HAM radio

hamnet   hamnet - my HamNet node

APRS LoRa   Router for AX.25, APRS and other traffic over HAM tranceivers (e.g. LoRa APRS) (Linux)

LoRa   LoRa & KISS - Use an arduino as an interface between a Linux system and a tranceiver (e.g. AX.25 over LoRa)

LoRa   LoRa, APRS, WiFi, Bluetooth & KISS - Use an ESP32 as a multi-protocol HAM router/tracker.

pcap tnc   pcap: the TNC test CD converted into a pcap-file

APRS LoRa   LoRa APRS tracker: tracker software for the ESP8266

My call-sign: PD9FVH

For contact info, see this page.