| almost complete featurelist
- Display logfiles
- More than one in multiple windows
- Terminal window is not only horizontally divided, also vertical is possible
- Height/width of the windows can be set
- Number of windows per column can be configured
- Windows can be swapped and closed
- A window can temporarily be hidden
- all windows can be unhidden at once
- all windows but the one selected can be hidden at once
- New windows can be created
- The fileselector has "TAB-completion"
- Windows can be temporarily hidden
- all windows can be merged into one new popup window
- Multiple logfiles can be merged into one window
- One can search in all windows at once
- All found lines can be merged into one new popup-window
- or displayed reversed (highlighted) in their original window
- Logfiles can be filtered with the help of one or more regular expressions
- Certain lines can be suppressed -or- everything is supressed instead of what matches with the regular expressions
- parts of strings can be selected (like sed substring selections)
- parts of strings can be removed (using either column selection and range selection)
- Control characters can be displayed in caret notation
- An external tool can be executed when a regular expression matches
- Parts of the line can be highlighted
- The screen can flash or a beep can be heard when a regular expression matches
- Certain parts of the logfiles can be highlighted via colors.
- Selections with regular expressions.
- Selection on field-number/string offset
- Color schemes can be defined in a configurationfile. A couple of examples have been included (Postfix, Apache, RSStail, Acctail, WTMPtail, Squid, Asterisk, Sendmail, Mailscanner, Samba, Exim, HTTPing, TCPdump, ISC-DHCPD, Bind, Smartmontools, Kerberos, NTPd, nagtail, WebSphere (SystemErr), NNTPcache, Veritas Netbackup procmail, Checkpoint Firewall-1, Netscape directory server (LDAP), log4j, ClamAV, p0f, sysstat, portsentry, pppd, strace, Linux firewall (netfilter) logging, Argus, Snort, Motion, IBM AIX errpt, MySQL error log, BOINC, acpitail, netstat) - easily extensible.
- Default color scheme for certain files can be selected in the configurationfile (using regular expressions (NOT wildcards!))
- External scripts(!) can be used to determine what colors to use where in the logged lines
- Use of colors can be switched off
- One specific color can be set for one file/command: usefull when merging multiple inputs in one window
- When setting colors, one can select a foreground and a background as well as an attribute (bold, underline, etc.)
- a set of reg-exp filters can be defined in the configfile
- priority of regular expressions can be set
- A label can be put in front of lines depending on the subwindow (usefull when merging)
- Parts of lines can be filtered
- Using ranges
- Using column-numbers
- Using regular expressions
- MultiTail can act as a "visual pipe" (or 'multi-tee'). While displaying inputs, the following is possible:
- The input can be written to one or more files, either filtered or unfiltered
- The input can be send (piped) to one or more processes, either filtered or unfiltered
- The input can be send (piped) to a syslog server, either filtered or unfiltered
- MultiTail can act like a syslog server
- When it is detected that a line gets repeated, it can be replaced with a "Last message repeated x times" message
- A mark-line can be added automatically when it is detected a logfile/process has been idle for a configurable amount of time
- When a file has changed, the statusline (each logfilewindow has a statusline) is updated to show the new size and the timestamp of the change ('atime')
- Statusline can be switched off
- Statusline can be put above or below data window
- Colors/attributes of statusline can be set
- A message can be shown when the current user has new mail
- Instead of the filename/commandline a more descriptive text can be put in the statusline
- Filesizes can be abbreviated to KB/MB/GB
- A statusline in the xterm titlebar can be shown:
- Current user
- Current hostname
- Name of changed file
- Timestamp of change
- System load
- "new mail" indicator
- The initial number of lines read can be set
- Instead of the descriptor also the filename can be followed (usefull for situations where "mv log log.old" is done after which a new file 'log' is created)
- It can also monitor wildcards: if another file matching the wildcard has a more recent modification date, it will automatically switch to that file. That way you can, for example, monitor a complete directory of files.
- Of course, STDIN can be monitored as well.
- You can truncate a logfile from within MultiTail
- Idle windows can automatically be closed.
- Window can be left open when the process underneath exits
- Windows can be restarted
- Not only logfiles, also external programs can be viewed (e.g. the output of netstat)
- Programs can be automatically restarted (like the 'watch' program)
- Restart interval can be set
- The difference since the previous run can be displayed (instead of everything)
- The last exit status of command is displayed in the statusline
- a window can be cleared before a new iteration (-rc)
- One can now send signals to running commands
- Output can be merged with the output of other programs
- Output can be merged with logfiles
- Output can be colored: see 'logfiles'-section
- Output can be filtered: see 'logfiles'-section
- A statusbar can be shown: see 'logfiles'-section
- One can type in the window of a program, like the 'splitvt' program
- Line wrap is configurable
- Cut off at the left or right
- Wrap at the right
- Cut off at the syslog procname
- One can scrollback in a window
- All text (including that of the scrollbackbuffer) can be stored in a file
- Size of scrollbackbuffer can be set (in number of lines and KB)
- A searchfunction is included (also with regular expressions!)
- Line wrapping can be switched off, after that one can scroll to the left/right with the cursor keys
- Scrollback window has the same keybindings of 'less'
- All scrollback windows can be cleared in one go (press 'N')
- One can set marks
- A mark (a line) can be set so that one can easily see what is new
- The attributes (foreground, background, underline, bold, etc.) can be set for the markerline
- A timestamp can be printed in the markerline
- A window can be cleared while maintaining the scrollbackbuffer
- MultiTail can automatically add a marker when it switches subwindow
- syslog '-- MARK --' lines can be replaced
- when a window is idle for a configurable amount of time, a markerline can be displayed
- The width of a tab can be set
- For lines longer then the width of a window, one can set what to be shown:
- The complete line
- Only the left part
- Only the right part
- A configurable offset
- In case of a 'syslog'-style logfile;
- Everything after the date/time
- Everything after the date/time without the procname
- Update frequency of the display can be set (default: immediately), usefull for slow links
- Some statistics can be shown (update frequency, tendency of the update frequency)
- Bind external programs to keys. For example: one can let MultiTail execute /usr/bin/pine when CTRL+G is pressed. That way MultiTail can act as a central command center.
- In case one is monitoring something without timestamps, multitail can add them itself
- The format of timestamps can be configured in the configurationfile
- While displaying, MultiTail can convert parts of the input:
- ip-adresses to hostnames
- an external script can be invoked for the conversion
- seconds since the UNIX epoch to user configurable timeformats
- "errno" values to descriptive messages
- decimal to hex and hex to decimal
- tai64 (qmail etc.) to user configurable timeformats
- a value to KB/MB/GB
- signal number to signal name
- Has context-sensitive on-line help (press F1 at any time)
- Instead of a beep, one can get a beep, a flashing screen, nothing or a popup
- all configurationfile settings can be set from the commandline
- suppressing of empty lines can be configured in the configfile
- one can let multitail beep for every x-th line it processes
- inputfields have a history buffer which is automatically stored on disk
- other tail variants can be used (e.g. inotail)